Another Minute

People hesitate to begin an organizing or downsizing project because they believe it will take too long.

By breaking a project into manageable bits, it seems always easier!

Using that logic, here’s another DIVA Dozen -- 12 downsizing tasks that can be done in 20 minutes or less!

We had such a good response to our first DIVA Dozen, we enthusiastically created another:

1. Clean out under your bathroom sink(s).

2. Make sure all your lights are working. When replacing, use energy-efficient bulbs.

3. Be a generous giver! Fill a box with gently-used clothing for your favourite charity.

4. Re-pot or refresh indoor plants and give them a new lease on life.

5. Remove everything from horizontal surfaces in one room. Put back only the items you love. Donate the rest.

6. Pay monthly bills and reconcile your Cheque Books.

7. SNAP! SNAP! Update family photos in frames around the house.

8. Find a junk drawer and de-junk it!

9. Keep the cleaning supplies you use regularly. Dispose of the rest responsibly.         

10. Assess your wardrobe. Keep clothes that make you feel fabulous, release the rest.         

11. Sharpen all the pencils in the house; make sure all pens are working!         

12. Clean your refrigerator and get rid of items that are unrecognizable.

Start SMALL. Start NOW!

Karen Shinn

Karen Shinn

Downsizing Diva Co-Founder. Toronto East & North York

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