Over the past few months, there's been lots of time to think. For many, there’s been an opportunity to simplify their lives and figure out what is really important before moving forward.
This COVID-19 global pandemic has been described as a “turning point”; the word legacy being used frequently in stories and conversations.
Matt Paxton, a NASMM colleague of ours, is the host of a new TV show (he was the host of the popular show, Hoarders) - Legacy List - a show about older adults and their stuff. Matt meets with his clients, finds out more about them, helps them downsize, organize and move… and discovers a few of their family treasures in the process. The important things in life aren’t things; they are family, experiences and history. Legacy. Check out Legacy List here.
Sandy, a friend of mine, is creating a legacy project for her Mum, Hazel, an amazing cook and baker. Over the years, Hazel has created drinks, dinners and desserts that have become favourites of family and friends. Sandy is compiling these wonderful recipes into a book, Hazel Westfall's Fabulous Foods for family and friends, to share this important facet of her Mum’s life. I’m helping with this project is to get a copy of Hazel’s recipe for Rhubarb Squares – a “not-to-be-missed” treat at any visit to the farm.
These days, I’ve been thinking more about a legacy project to honour my Dad -- it’s been on the “back burner” for years. Sandy and I have been having so much fun working on her Mum’s cookbook, I have convinced her to help me with my legacy project to honour my Dad… and hers too!
Details to follow… soon!