
Funny thing about downsizing... we all do it for different reasons. Here’s a story about a woman, let’s call her Mary, who made her decision to downsize based on a leaky basement.

Over the years, Mary had experienced water problems in the basement.

Unfortunately, the water seepage was in her “craft room” – a space that housed multitudinous projects and supplies. This room was off-limits to the rest of her family and no one dared enter, except when invited. And invitations were rare!

It had reached a point where repairs could be postponed no longer. With another spring run-off rapidly approaching, a waterproofing company was enlisted to coordinate the entire project.

Our client feverishly began clearing the space in preparation for the arrival of the repair team. Boxes and bags filled with craft projects, both finished and unfinished, left the craft room and headed to drier ground.

The only portion of the room that remained to be cleared was the closet. It was a relatively small space, but it contained a number of file boxes filled with macramé projects from the 70’s, beads from the 80’s and an assortment of other craft supplies that had not seen the light of day in years.

We suggested dealing with the items in the closet right away and not wait until later to sort through these supplies.

With some hesitation, she began the sorting process and, at the end of the day, 5 bags of craft supplies, 2 boxes of books and 1 suitcase of fabric was delivered to a Church group planning a Summer Camp and desperately seeking craft supplies.

Our client was happy knowing that the craft supplies she had collected over the years would be put to good use to help others celebrate their own creativity. It was a “win-win”!

The funny part... when the waterproofing team came in to do the job, they did not once enter the craft room, but did all their work outside the house, making sure that the basement did not leak anymore.

Mary is now looking forward to a water-free spring and will be celebrating in her new, considerably downsized craft room where she will work on the projects she really wants to work on.

Karen Shinn

Karen Shinn

Downsizing Diva Co-Founder. Toronto East & North York

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