Guest blog by Dan Kershaw, Executive Director, Furniture Bank
Navigating major life changes can be exciting, but more often than not, stressful also.
Downsizing your home and life assets specifically can be distressing. The volume of work involved is overwhelming. Even the most organized and well supported among us, can do with helping hands, experienced minds and options to simplify.
Especially taxing can be letting go of personal, household treasures you no longer have room for, but over the years, have grown attached to.
Downsizing professionals can help guide your change to minimize strain. But, what about those treasured items? Saying goodbye isn’t easy.
What if your coveted, underused furniture and housewares could seamlessly find their way into the lives of someone who is struggling financially, for whom furniture would make all the difference in their lives?
What if your underused furniture can help restore hope and dignity for a family dislocated from their house after escaping a violent home, or benefit a family welcomed to our country after fleeing a war-torn country of their own? Would the idea of helping others move on, make letting go any easier?
Well there is an organization who works to ensure everyone has the dignity of a furnished home – that organization is Furniture Bank. Our diverse group of thousands of recipients includes women and children escaping abuse, newcomers, refugees, and those who have recently moved beyond homelessness. Regardless of background, they have one thing in common: they need a fresh start. Donors like you give it to them, changing their lives and futures, through your unwanted household furnishings.
Furniture Bank solves the problem by offering a furniture removal service that will come to your home and remove gently used furniture and housewares, and make it available for selection by families in need the next day. The added-bonus for you is you’ll receive a generous tax receipt for your furniture donation.
Here’s a list of furniture and houseware donations we accept.
If you have treasured furnishings you think could help change lives, let our team at Furniture Bank help you pass on this gift to help furnish a home and give a new beginning to another family in our community. Last year donors like you allowed us to support nearly 4000 families create personalized homes with items from the community. We do it everyday.
Tens of thousands of people in the GTA alone live in empty apartments without furniture… your used furniture can change lives, and together, we can create homes for all.
To learn more about Furniture Bank, and our mission or book a furniture removal consult, please call 416-934-1229 or visit www.furniturebank.org
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