Medicine Cabinet

As Senior and Specialty Move Managers, we help people downsize, move and clear estates every day. Over the past 20+ years, we have discovered the smallest room in the house contains the most stuff per square foot! This room is… the bathroom!

Even if you are not planning a move, it’s always a good idea to regularly check items stored in your medicine cabinets and other storage areas in your bathroom.

Here are SIX Organizing Tips from the folks at Downsizing Diva:

  1. Check expiration dates…
    You may be surprised at what you find lurking behind the products you use regularly. Check the best-before dates and discard all expired prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins and herbal remedies. If you can't remember when you bought an item, it's time to dispose of it.

  2. Dispose of expired medications responsibly…
    DON'T throw expired meds in the garbage or flush them down the toilet. Take containers to your local drug store or household hazardous waste center for proper disposal.

  3. Pay close attention to emergency medication…
    The expiration date is even more critical for emergency medication (inhalers, insulin injectors, epi-pens and nitroglycerine tablets). Should an emergency arise, you want to know you can count on your medication.

  4. Keep away from children…
    Products designed for adults can be toxic to small children. Make sure the contents of your medicine cabinet and other storage areas are stored safely out- of-reach of younger family members.

  5. Use common sense…
    You know what they say about common sense…sometimes it’s not that common! But it does make sense to replace your toothbrush after an illness, an out-of- country trip, when the bristles are worn or every three months. Cosmetics and perfumes should be discarded when they dry up, change colour, or have a strange texture and/or odor (six months is a good rule).
Karen Shinn

Karen Shinn

Downsizing Diva Co-Founder. Toronto East & North York

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